Vice-President Faure Takes Oath of Office
Fri, 02 July 2010
July 1, 2010 -- Mr. Danny Faure took his Oath of Allegiance and the Vice-Presidential Oath before President James Michel at State House this morning. The ceremony took place in the presence of Cabinet Ministers, the Speaker of the National Assembly, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and top civil servants.
Vice-President Danny Faure now occupies the position previously held by Vice-President Joseph Belmont, who retired on 30th June. Vice-President Faure has the portfolios of Finance, Public Administration, and Information Communication Technology.
During the ceremony Minister Vincent Meriton received the instrument of appointment as Designated Minister from President Michel. Minister Meriton is the Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports.
President James Michel said that Vice-President Faure has his full support as he takes office, and that they would work as a unified team for the people of Seychelles.
"The ceremony today completes the rejuvenated team of leaders that I launched on 8th June to assist me to take our country to a higher level," said President Michel.
 "As I have said in the past, we are here to serve the people of Seychelles, to improve the quality of life and the public service. Together we will further inject dynamism into government policy, as well as continue the work on the foundations of our achievements and experience."