President Michel Welcomes Etihad's Inaugural Flight
Mon, 07 November 2011
President James Michel this morning met with the Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Mallallah Mubarak Al-Ameri at State House.
The President thanked the Ambassador for his efforts to develop tourism relations between Seychelles and the UAE, and in this regard welcomed the launching of the Abu Dhabi-Seychelles route by Etihad airline this week
"The Etihad route will strengthen the excellent ties of friendship between Seychelles and Abu Dhabi and give greater value and choice for the tourism travel products that are available for travellers wishing to experience the Seychelles brand.  Etihad is a first-class airline and indeed was awarded the title of the World's Leading Airline at the World Travel Market last year. So I am sure that Seychellois as well as foreign visitors will enjoy their flying experience," said President Michel.
The President thanked the UAE for its confidence in the Seychelles tourism market and said that the country would benefit from the new route in both the trade and tourism sectors.
"Seychelles will also benefit from the air links that Etihad offers to other destinations around the world, and increase the number of visitors from the Middle East, Asia and Australia, as well as the traditional European markets. This is in line with the Seychelles Tourism Board marketing strategy to diversify and aim at a more global reach rather than our traditional European markets. I wish the Etihad venture every success, "said President Michel.
The UAE Ambassador was accompanied by Vice-President of Sales of Etihad, Hareb Al Muhairy, the Vice-President of Etihad's International and Public Affairs, Vijay Poonoosamy, and the Etihad country manager for Seychelles, Rashed Al Shabi.