
President Appoints Health Specialist Peggy Vidot

President Appoints Health Specialist Peggy Vidot

Mon, 07 May 2012

President Michel has appointed Mrs. Peggy Vidot as the Special Advisor to the Minister for Health effective of 15th July 2012, as part of the ongoing restructuring of the Government.

Peggy Vidot holds a Masters in Management of Health Services Management from Manchester University. She is also a State Registered Midwife from Luton and Dunstable School of Midwifery, Luton and State Registered Nurse from the Bath School of Nursing in the UK.

Mrs. Vidot started her career in Health in 1977 as Nurse Instructor at the School of Nursing of the Ministry of Health in Seychelles. She was promoted to various positions within the Ministry of Health such as the Director of Nursing and the Director of Health Planning and Operational Research. In 2003, she was appointed as the Adviser Health Section, Social Transformation Programmes Division (STPD), Commonwealth Secretariat whereby she had the lead responsibility for the Commonwealth programme in Human Resources for Health and Maternal and Child Health, that contributes to global, regional and national efforts to achieve the health related Millennium Development Goals by developing and implementing the Commonwealth Secretariat's health programme.  This is the post she holds to date.

Mrs. Vidot is a registered member of the Seychelles Nursing and Midwife Council, Founding member of the Nurses Association of Seychelles, Founder Fellow of the East, Central and the Southern African College of Nursing and Honorary Fellow of Royal College of Nursing, United Kingdom.

During her professional career she has been member of a Senior Executive Committee of Ministry of Health, the National Council for Children, the Global Advisory Council on Health Worker Migration, the WHO Task Force on Nursing and Midwifery, Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, the Chairperson Seychelles Nurses and Midwives Council,  the Commonwealth Steering Committee for Nursing and Midwifery and President of the Commonwealth Nurses Federation.   

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