
Seychelles To Bid For Un Security Council Seat

Seychelles To Bid For Un Security Council Seat

Mon, 06 August 2012

President James Michel has announced that the Republic of Seychelles will seek to present its candidature for a non-permanent seat in the United National Security Council for the 2017-2018 term, following approval from the African Union.

Out of the 193 member states of the United Nations, Seychelles is amongst the 72 which have never been a member of the Security Council.

“We can bring a unique perspective to the work of the Security Council. We have demonstrated our readiness for this seat by playing a leading role in the fight against piracy and for the advancement of peace and stability in Somalia. More recently, our mediation efforts in resolving the crisis in Madagascar have been internationally recognized by our partners. And we shall continue to provide the leadership and the support that are required in this process,” said President Michel.

The President was addressing Seychelles Ambassadors at the State House this morning, upon the opening of the annual meeting of Ambassadors, where Vice-President Danny Faure was also present.
President Michel noted that Seychelles diplomatic efforts to champion the causes of small islands states as well as the need to protect the environment, have ‘established firmly our credibility’ for its proposed contribution to the high-level forum of the United Nations.
“It would be naïve to pretend that we live in a just multilateral system. We have made great strides but many inequalities remain. Many iniquities perdure. Humanity remains confronted with poverty, wars, conflicts, poverty, disease, injustice …We have become so blasé towards them, so inured to them, that more often than not they merit just a passing mention in the international media. Yet, we can make a difference. This small nation of ours, whose flag bearers you are, can make a difference. We have values that we can share with and impart to the rest of the world. These values are solidly anchored in our abiding faith in the inherent goodness of humanity.”
President Michel urged the Ambassadors to  ‘make a difference’ in the world arena by being the voice of small islands states, the voice of ‘those denied their natural heritage’, to be advocates for peace and peace-brokers as well as Ambassadors at the forefront of ‘the strife to protect our planet from self-destruction.’
The President thanked the diplomats for their excellent work for the New Seychelles and the achievements they have accomplished in honour of their country.

Editor’s Note

•    More details concerning the mechanism for the UNSC bid, the Ambassador’s retreat and Seychelles foreign policy will be released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Opening Remarks By President Michel

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