
President Announces Top Level Changes

President Announces Top Level Changes

Thu, 27 June 2013 | State House

The Office of the President has announced that a new department, the Department of Enterpreneurship Development and Business Innovation, has been created in the Office of the President. This in line with the announcements made during the President's National Day Address 2013.

"The time has now come for us to empower small and medium enterprises. With the solid foundation we now have following our economic reform, we need to enable Seychellois businesses to develop. But it seems that there are still too many obstacles to starting and expanding a small business. One of the difficulties is the level of bureaucracy, which must be reviewed. The ministries and agencies which provide the services need to do more and better to help entrepreneurial Seychellois.  They must help him to expand his business," the President had said on 18th June.

The new department is tasked with the mandate to empower, support and encourage the growth of enterprises, various forms of industries, and small businesses. Mrs Maryse Berlouis has been appointed the Principal Secretary for Enterpreneurship Development and Business Innovation. Mrs Berlouis has previously held executive roles at the Seychelles Licensing Authority, SeNPA, and Industries, as well as being Special Advisor in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Industry. This top level change will mean that this ministry will be called Ministry of Natural Resources and will focus solely on the sustainable development of Seychelles natural resources, such as the blue economy and agriculture, and developing food security strategy. Mr. Michel Nalletamby therefore now holds the title of Principal Secretary for Natural Resources.

President Michel has also appointed Mr. Alain Volcere as the Principal Secretary for Youth, a post that he has held in the past. Mr. Volcere was formerly the CEO of the National Sports Council. Mrs. Giovanna Rousseau, formerly Manager Marketing & Promotion at the NSC has been appointed the new CEO of the NSC.

Mrs Peggy Vidot has been appointed as Principal Secretary for Health. Dr Jude Gedeon who had been the Acting Principal Secretary, will continue to work in his capacity as the Public Health Commissioner.

Mr. Joseph Francois has been appointed the Principal Secretary for Land Use and Housing. Mr Francois was formerly the Director General for Protocol, Treaties and Consular Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The outgoing Principal Secretary for Land Use and Housing, Yves Choppy will take up the post of Principal Secretary for Project Planning and Implementation, in a new department of the Ministry of Land Use and Housing.

Following the resignation of Mrs. Elsia Grandcourt from the post of CEO of the Seychelles Tourism Board, the President has appointed Ms. Sherin Naiken, formerly Principal Secretary for Tourism, as the new CEO of STB. Mrs Grandcourt has been nominated for a high level post in an international organisation.

Mrs. Anne Lafortune, formerly CEO of the Public Officer Ethics Commission, has been appointed the Principal Secretary for Tourism.

Mrs. Mina Crea, formerly the CEO of the National Tender Board, has been appointed the CEO of the Public Officer Ethics Commission. Ms Marie-Nella Nancy takes up the post of CEO of the National Tender Board.

Furthermore, Mrs Sitna Cesar has been appointed the CEO of the Public Enterprise Monitoring Commission, which is a new body approved by the National Assembly in March this year. Mrs Cesar was formerly the Comptroller-General in the Ministry of Finance, Trade & Investment, and has also worked as a consultant to the same ministry.

All the appointments take effect of 1st July 2013.

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