
Guiding the New Seychelles to the New Frontier

Guiding the New Seychelles to the New Frontier

Fri, 30 May 2014 | Politics

On the 50th anniversary of the Parti Lepep, President James Michel has vowed the ruling party would ‘guide the New Seychelles to the new frontier,’ at a golden jubilee conference held at the International Conference Centre this evening.

The event was attended by representatives of the African National Congress of the Republic of South Africa, the Chama Cha Mapinduzi of the United Republic of Tanzania, and the Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China.

“Parti Lepep is rock solid. We are the party of change. We are the party of inclusion. We are the party which rallies the nation to the new frontier, which is ours to conquer. The party of the New Seychelles. National unity and social harmony are our hallmarks. The hallmarks of the New Seychelles. The driving force of Parti Lepep. A Parti Lepep that is more committed, more determined than ever to lead the people. To write another chapter in the history of our small nation, “ said President Michel.

President Michel, who is also President of the party, paid tribute to the party founder, France Albert Rene, a party which at the time was called the Seychelles People’s United Front.

He said that President Rene was a great son of Seychelles and remains an inspiration for the party.

“Fifty years ago, a young revolutionary had a vision of justice, freedom, fraternity and harmony for his country. This young man – France Albert René – set about transforming this vision into reality. And from this vision the Seychelles People’s United Party emerged. It declared its aims to be:To unite the people in a democratic organisation with no social, economic, religious or racial discrimination …To seek freedom from colonial rule … and To establish a Government of the People, for the People and by the People …

Mr Michel said the party was created to put people at the centre of development, to deliver freedom, justice and equality to the Seychellois people and to a modern country.

“Those fifty years have been momentous ones, of epic challenges, of jubilation but also of tribulation, of monumental achievements and successes. But we also had our moments of weaknesses and shortcomings. We fell, but rose again with clenched fists, uncowed brows and re-kindled determination to do better and more, never admitting defeat. We have lived to the full fifty of the most eventful years of the history of Seychelles. And we have made history,” said Mr Michel.

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